Monday, December 17, 2007

Cyclist Accused of Steroid Use after Mt. Diablo Climb

Local bicycle riders encountered some new competition this year, as Ken got serious about riding. It started with the purchase of a new bicycle in March, which led to a goal of riding to the top of Mt. Diablo, 15 miles and 3500 vertical feet from Faulkner’s home.
In July he made it to the summit for the first time, and he has made the trip several more times since then. This year, Ken logged more than 2000 miles on his trusty cycle. He is now a regular on the trails around the San Ramon Valley, and he enjoys the chance to ride year round.
Ken's accomplishment has been questioned by some, who have raised the possibility that his summit ride may not have been "natural". One source, who wished to remain anonymous, had this to say: "Playing right field for a major league baseball team in San Francisco has shown me a lot," said the anonymous source. "When someone like Ken comes from out of nowhere to suddenly climbing a peak like Diablo, it is reasonable to ask why."

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