Monday, December 17, 2007

California Life with Three Teenagers

In 2007, the Faulkners achieved the magical milestone of having three teenagers in one family. KC celebrated her 13th birthday on January 2007, joining her sister Melissa (16) and brother Steven (19) into the years of teenage-hood.
KC’s first teenage year was a huge success, as she shed her braces, expanded her social crowd, joined the local water polo team, played
percussion in her middle school band and sang in her school choir. So far she has respected her father’s wish to avoid talking with boys until she is 25. At least that is what she tells her Dad.
Melissa started the year by passing her driver’s test on the first try. Since that time, she has been rarely seen at the Faulkner home. However, her red car is frequently spotted scooting around Danville. The local police have also gotten to know her car, though her record has stayed clean (thanks to a session of traffic school).
Steven spent his last teenage year at the University of Wisconsin, where he has two semesters left before graduation. He has been a frequent visitor to California (much to the joy of his parents and their dog, Shasta), but he did spend his summer away from the family working for Ford in Dearborn, MI. “Next summer I plan to stay in Madison,” said Steve. “Having a job is just way too much work!”

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