Monday, December 17, 2007

KC Voted “Everybody’s Pal” in Middle School

The students of Charlotte Wood Middle School selected KC Faulkner as the school’s top friend, voting her the title of “Everybody’s Pal” for the 2007-08 school year. The award was a surprise to KC, who has been a student at the school for only a year. “I guess they like me,” said KC.
In addition to developing her social network, KC has been busy playing water polo for the local league. Water polo was a natural choice for KC, as she loves spending time in the pool. She joined the team this winter and has been developing her skills in preparation for joining the high school team next year.
KC is also an accomplished musician, keeping the beat for her school symphonic band as a percussionist. She has become an excellent rock drummer, practicing her skills in the pool house behind the Faulkner home. In addition, she plays the piano and is teaching herself guitar. In anticipation of becoming the only child left at home next year, KC is lobbying to add another puppy to the family - purse size!

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