Monday, December 17, 2007

Melissa Hits the Road and Competes in Junior Olympics

California welcomed a new driver in 2007, as Melissa earned her license on the first try. There were some tense moments during her driving test, but she easily earned enough points to pass. She then drove home with her dad, waved her temporary license to the family, and hit the road in her shiny red Mazda (see related story about overindulgent fathers).
Since that day, she has had a few unplanned meetings with the Danville Police to discuss the proper method for stopping at a stop sign. Thanks to traffic school, understanding officers, and regular parental reminders, her driving record remains clean.
Her car came in handy this summer, as she had to drive to San Jose in order to compete in the National Junior Olympics with her Water Polo Team. The team finished in the middle of the pack, but she was just happy to be part of the Olympic experience. “I got a really cool sweatshirt,” said Melissa, “and spending the night in a hotel with all the girls was THE BOMB!” Getting a California tan was a major priority for Melissa, who taught swim lessons and life guarded at a local pool. For her senior year of high school, Melissa decided to trade in her polo suit for a choir robe. “The choir has much better parties,” said Melissa. “And there are boys in the choir!”

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