Sunday, April 20, 2008

Melissa Will Return to Wisconsin!

Melissa has chosen to attend University of Wisconsin next fall, where she will be joining the Freshman Crew team. Although she was accepted at several different schools, the call of Madison and the chance to join the NCAA Crew program were the deciding factors.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

KC Completes Young Womens Medallion in Record Time

KC finished all her requirements for the LDS Young Womens Medallion just before her 14th birthday. She received the award at church this past Sunday from Bishop Stone and her YW President Jai Selland. KC has been looking forward to this for several months, as she set a goal to complete the award as a prelude to receiving her patriarchal blessing. With her YW Medallion complete, the family will join her in January (while Steve is home for the holidays) as she receives her blessing.

Congratulations, KC!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Happy Holidays from our Family to Yours!

2007 has been an eventful year for us as we have settled into California life. We all miss Wisconsin, but it has been nice to be back in the Bay Area and close to our families. If only we could get a little snow to help us celebrate Christmas! However, it has been nice to leave the heavy winter coats in the closet.
We have included some of the stories and pictures from our 2007 edition of the Danville Dispatch - our holiday newsletter. If you want the complete version, just let us know and we will send you a copy.
We wish everyone a joyous holiday season. If you ever find yourself near the slopes of Mt. Diablo, give us a call – we would love to welcome you to our home. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of the Faulkners!

California Life with Three Teenagers

In 2007, the Faulkners achieved the magical milestone of having three teenagers in one family. KC celebrated her 13th birthday on January 2007, joining her sister Melissa (16) and brother Steven (19) into the years of teenage-hood.
KC’s first teenage year was a huge success, as she shed her braces, expanded her social crowd, joined the local water polo team, played
percussion in her middle school band and sang in her school choir. So far she has respected her father’s wish to avoid talking with boys until she is 25. At least that is what she tells her Dad.
Melissa started the year by passing her driver’s test on the first try. Since that time, she has been rarely seen at the Faulkner home. However, her red car is frequently spotted scooting around Danville. The local police have also gotten to know her car, though her record has stayed clean (thanks to a session of traffic school).
Steven spent his last teenage year at the University of Wisconsin, where he has two semesters left before graduation. He has been a frequent visitor to California (much to the joy of his parents and their dog, Shasta), but he did spend his summer away from the family working for Ford in Dearborn, MI. “Next summer I plan to stay in Madison,” said Steve. “Having a job is just way too much work!”

KC Voted “Everybody’s Pal” in Middle School

The students of Charlotte Wood Middle School selected KC Faulkner as the school’s top friend, voting her the title of “Everybody’s Pal” for the 2007-08 school year. The award was a surprise to KC, who has been a student at the school for only a year. “I guess they like me,” said KC.
In addition to developing her social network, KC has been busy playing water polo for the local league. Water polo was a natural choice for KC, as she loves spending time in the pool. She joined the team this winter and has been developing her skills in preparation for joining the high school team next year.
KC is also an accomplished musician, keeping the beat for her school symphonic band as a percussionist. She has become an excellent rock drummer, practicing her skills in the pool house behind the Faulkner home. In addition, she plays the piano and is teaching herself guitar. In anticipation of becoming the only child left at home next year, KC is lobbying to add another puppy to the family - purse size!

Melissa Hits the Road and Competes in Junior Olympics

California welcomed a new driver in 2007, as Melissa earned her license on the first try. There were some tense moments during her driving test, but she easily earned enough points to pass. She then drove home with her dad, waved her temporary license to the family, and hit the road in her shiny red Mazda (see related story about overindulgent fathers).
Since that day, she has had a few unplanned meetings with the Danville Police to discuss the proper method for stopping at a stop sign. Thanks to traffic school, understanding officers, and regular parental reminders, her driving record remains clean.
Her car came in handy this summer, as she had to drive to San Jose in order to compete in the National Junior Olympics with her Water Polo Team. The team finished in the middle of the pack, but she was just happy to be part of the Olympic experience. “I got a really cool sweatshirt,” said Melissa, “and spending the night in a hotel with all the girls was THE BOMB!” Getting a California tan was a major priority for Melissa, who taught swim lessons and life guarded at a local pool. For her senior year of high school, Melissa decided to trade in her polo suit for a choir robe. “The choir has much better parties,” said Melissa. “And there are boys in the choir!”

Steven Spends the Summer on the 8 Mile

As soon finals were finished in Madison this past May, Steven packed his car and headed east in pursuit of several automotive dreams. First stop was the Ford Proving Grounds north of Detroit, the location for the 2007 Formula SAE World Championship competition. The event requires each team to design and build an entire half-scale race car from the ground (or in this case, the pavement) up.
The teams compete based on performance of the car (speed, handling, fuel economy), quality of design, and cost. Over 130 teams from around the world entered the event, including teams from Europe, Japan, and Australia. The University of Wisconsin team finished first overall, taking home the championship for the first time in history. Steven will be the team leader this spring when UW defends their championship crown.
A day after taking home the hardware from Formula SAE, Steve started his summer internship with Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, MI. He was responsible for investigating quality issues and worked on the next generation Mustang. He had the difficult task of road testing the new Shelby Mustang, which included several speed runs on the test track. The best part of the job was the use of a new Mustang for the summer. It was a sad day when Steve had to turn in his GT convertible and head back to Madison for fall classes.