Sunday, November 25, 2007

Badger or Duck

Big news of the week is that Melissa has been accepted to both University of Oregon and University of Wisconsin for the Fall of 2008. Will we have another Badger in the family, or will she decide to be a Duck?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Thanksgiving - the final totals . . . .

Here is the final damage assessment from Thanksgiving dinner:
  • 1 20lb Turkey
  • 1 14lb Turkey
  • 2 quarts of stuffing
  • 1.5 quarts of sweet potatoes
  • 3lb of roasted vegetables
  • 4 quarts of green salad
  • 2 quarts of brussel sprout casserole (we still have 1.5 quarts left)
  • 1 gallon of gravy
  • 1 quart of cranberry sauce
  • 43 rolls (homemade)
  • 2 pumpkin pies
  • 1 apple crisp
  • 3 pints of whipped cream
  • 16 bottles of sparking cider

Everyone had a great time! Thanks for a great Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Yosemite - in the Heat of the Night

This summer the family all went to Yosemite for a few days. This was the first time for the kids to visit the place where Lydia and Ken got engaged 22 years before. The highlight of the trip was hiking up to the top of Vernal Falls on the Mist Trail - everyone made it to the top.

In the top picture, Melissa and KC giving us the thumbs up after they reached the top of the trail. Below that, Lydia and Steven pose for the camera at the top of the falls.

It was a fun for us all to be together for a few days in such a beautiful spot. Only problem was that it was EXTREMELY HOT (100+ degrees during the day), which made tent living pretty miserable. Thank goodness that the Yosemite General Store was well stocked with ice cream.